Pleasure meeting you, my name is Winnie.

The past five years of my life have been dedicated to helping people expand on their growth and accomplishments through capitalizing on their learning curves.   Whether it’s taking a bold step to learn something new, going through a big transition, or finally making up their mind to come out from the cave, there has been amazing results when people diligently walked through their learning curves and made the best out of each transition.

As a foreign-born Asian American, a former business consultant, finance officer, someone who had the privilege to pause the career and be a full-time parent for 6 amazing years, served and helped lead a non-profit over a decade, I have personally experienced both the struggles and rewards as a rookie. I understand the dynamics, the demands, and the key to survive and be successful in different environments.  Each transition has brought me tremendous insights which always pointed me back to the same question we all need to answer −  anytime we found ourselves in a new role or new environment, a difficult task or circumstance:

Are you going to KEEP RELYING on what you’re already good at, hoping it’ll carry you through?

Or willing to push through a tough learning curve and RISE TO YOUR BEST?  

I am a midwest girl at heart growing up in the Asian culture.  Former work assignments have brought me to different cities and now in Northern California with my husband and two children.   With a fast-track career packed with rewarding transitions in my earlier days, now an aspiring writer, wearing different hats in professional and personal life, I know what it takes to Thrive on the Learning Curve.  Click here to read more of my story.

Through the blog and resources in this site, I’d like to provide the clarity, courage and commitment you need to Thrive on the Learning time and time again.  Specifically, I’ll share my insights and experience around these few themes:

  • Discover the JOY & WISDOM of living with a learning curve mentality
  • Draw on the ASSURANCE needed to begin the pivotal learning curve towards your full potentials
  • Build up your STRENGTHS to THRIVE on life’s learning curve time and time again.


And Welcome Aboard!